Double Bill with Lowri Evans : Reserve Tickets : Tel : 01772 893372 (Mon-Fri 9-4pm)
Age Concerns is an authentic, warm and witty performance, which sensitively investigates the art of ageing exploring the past, present, future and tea and biscuits.
Sara Cocker and Nicki Hobday have worked with elderly people separately and together. They have made shows separately and now they are making a show together.
Age Concerns is inspired by their on-going experience of working with old people in the care industry. The time they have spent with the elderly has given them a lot of fond memories, and “memories live longer than dreams”- that’s what Hilda told them anyway. Hilda helped them make the show.
Sharing the conversations and experiences they’ve had with Hilda (an 88 year old lady who entertained the “old dears” in care homes before retirement), Age Concerns centres around three women of different ages, with a lot in common, and what they can learn from each other.
Credits: Commissioned by hÅb + The Future. Seed commissioned by Live at LICA. Supported by Contact + The HUB (Slung Low). Development supported using public funding by National Lottery through Arts Council England.